The Peanut butter story & facts

The Peanut butter story & facts


​If you have ever woken up with a slight hangover and a dubious, half-remembered, half-eaten jar of

peanut butter at your side, we can empathize. We have lived this shame. Peanut butter is a surprisingly

nimble comfort food, able to combine with almost any form of dessert (cakes, cookies, icings,

macaroons, ice cream) in a beautiful all-encompassing embrace. We take its comfort often. Of course,

there are naysayers, and we ignore them. If you dislike peanut butter, chances are you also dislike

angels and puppies and we pity you. We are fans of both the nostalgia brands like Skippy and Peter

Pan and the all-natural stuff (we are finally getting used to stirring the oil back into the paste). Slow,

restful weekends were virtually invented for peanut butter snack time—whether directly from the jar

or as part of a cookie—and in our lazy daydreams, the rivers are alive with smooth, crunchy, and

toasty peanut butter.

  • Peanut butter sold in the United States must contain at least 90% peanuts. IT IS THE LAW!
  • Approximately 540 peanuts equals one 12-ounce jar of peanut better.
  • Georgia the so called peach states produces 49% of the USA's peanuts.
  • January 24th is National Peanut butter day.
  • One acre of peanuts equals 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches.

ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of one's mouth! 

Source: Baked elements cookbook. 

Picture credit: cgdsro@pixabay


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