Pomegranates and Cabbage Salad

Pomegranates and Cabbage Salad

Salad & Starter 762 Last Update: Aug 09, 2021 Created: May 30, 2021
Pomegranates and Cabbage Salad
  • Prep Time: 20 min
  • Difficulty: Easy

A simple dish and a natural flavour! What a better way to celebrate early summer days with such a fresh salad. The Cabbage and pomegranate salad is certainly one of my favourite salads, it is fresh, summery and incredibly easy to do. The sweetness of the pomegranates hitting the acidity of the vinegar and freshness of the fresh mint is so cooling and has a light effect on your body



  1. Finely shred the cabbage and clean under cold water with some salt and leave in a colander to drain excess water
  2. Carefully cut the pomegranate in half and remove all the ruby jewels and keep on the side
  3. Juice the lemon, and mix with some salt, apple cider, pomegranate molasses and olive oil
  4. In your favourite bowl, arrange a bed of the cabbage, sprinkle all the pomegranates around and apply the dressing

Pomegranates and Cabbage Salad

  • Serves: -
  • Prep Time: 20 min
  • Cooking Time: -
  • Calories: -
  • Difficulty: Easy

A simple dish and a natural flavour! What a better way to celebrate early summer days with such a fresh salad. The Cabbage and pomegranate salad is certainly one of my favourite salads, it is fresh, summery and incredibly easy to do. The sweetness of the pomegranates hitting the acidity of the vinegar and freshness of the fresh mint is so cooling and has a light effect on your body



  1. Finely shred the cabbage and clean under cold water with some salt and leave in a colander to drain excess water
  2. Carefully cut the pomegranate in half and remove all the ruby jewels and keep on the side
  3. Juice the lemon, and mix with some salt, apple cider, pomegranate molasses and olive oil
  4. In your favourite bowl, arrange a bed of the cabbage, sprinkle all the pomegranates around and apply the dressing

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Author Lina Saad dr_alicia75@yahoo.co.uk Lina Saad

I am Lina, a mother, wife, food author and a Lebanese Food Specialist. I was born and lived in Sierra Leone, raised in Beirut and educated in London. Although I love all foods in general, nothing and I mean nothing comes between me and my Lebanese Kitchen. My favourite foods are vines leaves with he

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